We All Want a Glowing Immaculate Complexion
Aging and bad beauty habits take their toll on the health, condition, texture, and appearance of skin. And then there are lifestyle factors that can also speed up premature aging especially if you don’t have a good skincare routine or apply SPF to protect your skin from the sun’s damaging UV rays according to cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Carole Hazan. Unsightly skin imperfections, like brown aged spots, large open pores, rosacea, acne, and spider veins which make you look older, less attractive, and well, are a bit of a turn-off.
1. Large Open Pores
Often most noticeable around the nose area, large open pores are caused by a loss of collagen and elastin and when your skin’s oil glands go into overdrive. When your pores become blocked by excessive oil, dead skin cells, dirt, bacteria, and debris from beauty products, this also triggers pimples and can lead to acne, which makes enlarged pores even worse.
2. Redness, Irritation and Rosacea
An inflammatory skin condition that causes redness and an unsightly rash around the nose and cheek area rosacea can be genetic. Environmental factors like exposing your skin to ultraviolet radiation, heat, wind, and humidity also exacerbate rosacea flare-ups. As do bad lifestyle habits like eating spicy food, chronic stress, drinking too much alcohol and caffeine, and overloading on dairy products.
3. Hyperpigmentation and Aged Spots
Hyperpigmentation, uneven skin color and texture, and unsightly brown age spots are caused by sun damage but these conditions can also develop if you have a family history and during hormonal changes. The sun’s damaging UV rays speed up melanin production—the pigment responsible for your skin color—and when this happens flat, painless, irregular-shaped brown spots appear on the face, hands, shoulders, upper back, and forearms. “My biggest skincare advice is to wear sunscreen or a moisturizer with SPF every day to protect your skin against aging, sun damage, and hyperpigmentation,” says Dr Hazan.
4. Dehydrated Cracked Skin
Skin dryness can be caused by friction from your clothing rubbing, extreme weather, sun damage, and dehydration. There’s nothing attractive about dry chaffed skin on your face and body so drink plenty of water, lower your alcohol intake, and nourish your skin with clean ultra-hydrating fragrance-free moisturizers infused with skin-boosting ingredients like vitamin C, niacinamide, and hyaluronic acid.
5. Cellulite Dimples
The dreaded orange peel (aka cellulite) causes noticeable dimples and uneven skin tone and can become more visible with age as the skin’s elastin and collagen decline. Cellulite can also be caused by hormonal changes, a lack of exercise, and inflammation from consuming too much salt, sugar, processed foods, and unhealthy fats. Eat a well-balanced diet rich in fruit, vegetables, and whole foods, drink 2.7 liters of water per day, and try interval training to increase muscle tone, boost circulation, and smooth the skin’s texture.
6. Acne Scars and Cysts
Adult acne is real and can be caused by hormonal changes, chronic stress, oily skin, using the wrong skincare products, sleep deprivation, and consuming a diet high in fatty foods and refined carbohydrates. See a dermatologist if you have prolonged or severe acne as they can prescribe topical and oral treatments to manage and alleviate symptoms. And resist the urge to pick or squeeze pimples, blemishes, and cysts as this can spread bacteria and cause inflammation and skin scarring. Also, avoid using harsh exfoliants and products high in vitamin C and retinol as they can make the skin more sensitive.
7. Facial Moles
Facial moles which can also sprout hair are skin growths that are usually brown or black although they can also be flesh-colored, red, and even bluish. Irregular in shape and varying in size and texture most moles are benign although it’s important to have them checked by a doctor to determine the health risk and type of mole. It’s also common to have several moles on your face and they can be caused by genetics (many people are born with moles) or acquired through sun damage and hormonal changes. If you hate your moles, they can be removed surgically and via laser treatments.
8. Droopy Eyebrows
Droopy eyelids are caused by a loss of collagen and elasticity as a result of aging How fast they head south is mostly because of genetics however sun damage, lack of sleep, nutrient deficiencies, constantly rubbing your eyes, and excessive screen time are all factors that contribute to the dreaded droop.
9. Dermatitis and Eczema
Eczema (aka atopic dermatitis) is a skin condition that presents as dry, itchy, bumpy, and red inflamed skin. Again it could develop because of a genetic predisposition but lifestyle factors also play a role. Smoking, sun exposure, extreme temperatures, irritants in cosmetic products, and a poor immune system can all contribute to flare-ups.
10. Dry Chaffed Lips
Our lips get dryer and thinner with age, however dry, chapped lips can be caused by dehydration, sun damage, cold and hot weather, wind, and poor lifestyle habits. Don’t lick or pick your lips, drink plenty of water, limit your alcohol intake, and eat nutrient-rich foods. Apply a hydrating lip balm to keep your lips well-moisturized and avoid irritating lipsticks and balms that contain menthol or salicylic acid.
11. Raised Stretch Marks
When the skin stretches or shrinks too fast from rapid weight gain and loss, unsightly stretch marks can form on the skin. When the skin’s dermis (the layer below the surface) stretches it tears and ruptures the elasticity and collagen to reveal the deeper layers of the skin. To prevent stretch marks, maintain a healthy weight, drink plenty of water, exercise regularly, and eat a balanced diet rich and never subject your body to diet fads.
12. Ugly Painful Bunions
Bunions are painful, swollen, unsightly bumps that form at the base of the big toe often because your shoes are too tight. They can also happen because of genetics. Visit a podiatrist to discuss treatment, wear wider comfortable shoes, and use bunion pads if you are suffering.
13. Cracked Heels
There’s no point wearing cute shoes if you have rough, dry, cracked skin on the soles and heels of your feet. Not only are they ugly, but cracked, open, raw exposed skin can be painful. Cracked heels can be caused by dehydration, not moisturizing your feet, or wearing shoes without good cushioning and support. Apply a nourishing soothing foot balm infused with ingredients like tea tree or eucalyptus or apply a thick layer of CeraV Healing Ointment before bed and sleep with socks on to lock in hydration.
14. Panda Eyes
Panda eyes which can appear as dark brown, black, or purple depending on your skin color can be caused by genetics, dehydration, sleep deprivation, loss of collagen, or thinning of the blood vessels due to age. Dark circles look more noticeable when you’re tired, have a poor diet, drink too much alcohol, are under stress, or are always rubbing your eyes.
15. Varicose and Spider Veins
Often appearing on your legs (although they can also show up on your face) varicose and spider veins are dark blue, red, twisted, and knobbly veins caused by damaged or weakened valves in the veins. These unsightly veins which appear close to the skin’s surface can also resemble spider webs or tree branches. Factors that contribute to raised veins, which can indicate a serious health problem, also include hormonal changes, aging, sitting or standing for long periods, a lack of exercise, smoking, and constipation. See your doctor to discuss treatment options.