Stressful Relationships Can Trigger Premature Aging
Having a happy, healthy, mutually loving partnership is good for our confidence, and mental health, and can keep us looking and feeling younger. Relationships take work and not all start unhealthy, sometimes the spark just dies, or you realize you don’t share the same values and interests. The trouble is staying in an unhappy relationship can increase stress and anxiety and this can trigger premature aging and even lead to more serious health issues. These are signs your relationship has turned toxic.
1. Constant Putdowns
If your partner has gone from adoring, accepting, and encouraging to a constant stream of sarcasm, criticism, judgment, and put-downs, this is an attempt to strip you of your confidence and self-esteem. Disrespectful behavior that invalidates you is emotional abuse pure and simple.
2. Single Together
There’s such a thing as the married single mom and it’s a worrying trend according to the New York Post. If your partner lets you take on the practical, emotional, and financial tasks and doesn’t contribute this is a one-sided relationship. Stop over giving for nothing in return.
3. Support Withdrawal
If your partner no longer supports and champions your personal dreams and professional goals and shares in the joy of your success, they have disconnected. If they dismiss or belittle the things you enjoy or aspire to they have withdrawn their love and support and your relationship has become unhealthy.
4. Manipulation Tactics
If instead of healthy discussions and open communication your partner resorts to manipulation tactics and takes advantage of your vulnerability and triggers to control your actions, emotions, or decisions, they are showing signs they are a master manipulator.
5. Green Eyed Monster
It’s healthy to have a little jealousy in a relationship, especially if you adore your partner and realize you have landed a catch. When jealousy turns into possessiveness, suspicion, accusations of infidelity, or is disguised as affection it’s a sign your relationship is toxic according to the dating and relationship site Bolde. A lack of trust and honesty in a relationship is the beginning of the end.
6. Intentional Isolation
If your once outgoing partner has begun to withdraw from social dynamics and begins to criticize your friends and family and stop you from spending time with them, this is a ploy to make you feel completely dependent on them.
7. Love Is A Battlefield
It’s perfectly healthy to disagree and argue with your partner provided you both understand the need to resolve conflict and respect each other’s viewpoint. If the arguments are more frequent, escalate quickly, and become heated and threatening, this is a serious concern. Any form of physical abuse or threats of violence is a clear sign of a toxic relationship that needs to end.
8. Checked Out
If your partner shows indifference toward you and your feelings or gives you the silent treatment they have emotionally withdrawn. When there is a lack of physical and emotional intimacy your partner has checked out and this can cause you to feel lonely, rejected, and abandoned.
9. Blame Shifting
Relationships are a two-way street. If your partner doesn’t look after their side of the street or take responsibility for their actions this is a bad sign. When they shift blame and accuse you of being the problem or intentionally cause conflict the relationship is unbalanced and toxic.
10. Fuelling Fear
If you don’t feel you can be yourself in a relationship out of fear you will upset your partner, this is a sign your relationship is unhealthy. Feeling like you need to walk on eggshells, or if your partner takes advantage of your vulnerabilities can also make you feel trapped in the relationship and fearful of being alone.
11. Beware Gaslighting
When your partner knows how to press your buttons and trigger your fears this is a form of gaslighting. If they make you doubt your reality, or version of events or imply you are emotionally unstable, they are trying to undermine your sense of self. This is classic gaslighting designed to leave you feeling confused, vulnerable, and dependent on them.
12. Unrealistic Expectations
In a happy healthy relationship, we should inspire and support our partner. If your partner holds you to unrealistic standards or places untenable demands on you and gets angry when you don’t meet them, this is a sign of a toxic relationship.
13. Power Trip
Relationships should be equal and balanced and if your partner tries to control every aspect of your life including your appearance, social interactions, and finances this isn’t healthy. When a partner limits your access to money, this is an attempt to make you financially dependent on them so you won’t leave.
14. Physical Abandonment
In a relationship, one of the most important things is to feel safe and secure. If your partner always prioritizes friends, work, and social activities over spending time with you, this can leave you feeling rejected and emotionally abandoned.
15. Emotional Turmoil
A partnership should enhance your life, and evoke feelings of joy. If you feel constantly emotionally and physically drained by the relationship, and dream of leaving you’re in a toxic situation which is most likely nearing the end.