Life is full of moments when saying “yes” opens doors and leads to unexpected, amazing opportunities and experiences. While we’re not suggesting you become a “yes man” (or woman), embracing a “yes” mindset while still maintaining your ability to say no when needed can push you toward growth and adventure. Here are 15 times you should definitely say “heck yes” instead of “no thank you.”
1. When Travel is on the Table
Even if the timing isn’t perfect, always embrace an opportunity to travel when it lands in your lap. Travel opens your mind, exposes you to new people and cultures, and creates memories you’ll treasure forever. Say yes, it might not be convenient, but making it happen is something you’ll never forget.
2. When You’re Invited Somewhere Fabulous Last Minute
Last-minute plans can feel overwhelming and throw you for a loop. But some of the best adventures and memories happen when they are unplanned. Saying yes to those spontaneous plans is usually when you have the best time. Plus, you don’t want to kick yourself or get severe F.O.M.O when you hear all about it later.
3. When Someone Sets You a Healthy Challenge
If something scares you a little but also gets your heart racing in a good way, it’s worth saying yes to. Healthy challenges push us out of our comfort zone, where the magic happens. Say yes, and game on the next time someone asks you to do something wild. You’ll feel so psyched afterward.
4. When Someone Offers to Help
Smart people know they can’t do everything on their own. If you struggle to accept help, especially when you’re overwhelmed and overloaded, recognize this doesn’t make you weak—it makes you human. People want to support you, so let them. A problem or task shared is a problem or task halved, so accept help and be grateful.
5. When You’re Invited to Try Something New
If you’re a bit of a stickler for routine and familiarity, you can spend life idling in the safe lane. And nothing exciting ever happens there. If someone asks you to try a new restaurant, take up a new hobby, or engage in an experience that’s not really your thing, say “immediately yes.” Shaking things up and trying something new can lead to unexpected joy and personal growth.
6. When a Friend Needs Your Support
Life gets busy but always say yes when a friend reaches out for support. Like any relationship, friendships need to be nurtured, or they don’t thrive. Being a good friend is also about making sacrifices, and when you support someone through a tough time, it’s a two-way transaction. It strengthens your bond, reminds them they’re not alone, and makes you feel good about yourself.
7. When a Wild Opportunity Pops Up at Work
If you weren’t expecting a new work opportunity to pop up, especially if it’s a more challenging role or requires you to relocate, say yes. Challenging yourself with new responsibilities will fast-track your growth and open doors to future opportunities. Don’t fear imposter syndrome; your boss obviously thinks you’re up for the task, or they wouldn’t have offered it to you.
8. When Someone Asks to Give You a Compliment
Accepting compliments graciously shows that you are humble, and they are also an instant confidence booster. Say yes to letting others praise or compliment your achievements, outfit, or personality. Don’t just listen to their words; absorb them and let them know how much you appreciate it.
9. When You’re Encouraged to Speak Up
It can be tempting and almost expected to stay quiet in meetings, some social settings, or even with family at times. But when someone asks for your opinion or perspective, say yes to using your voice. This might sound obvious, but you’d be surprised how many people don’t speak up for fear of being ridiculed or rejected.
10. When There’s an Opportunity to Learn Something New
Always say yes to learning something new or acquiring a new skill. Whether joining a new social group, taking a class, reading a great book, or learning from someone’s experience, leaning into learning helps expand your knowledge, and with wisdom comes power. Wise people will be quick to tell you we never stop learning.
11. When You Can Take Time for Self-Care
Stop saying no and start saying yes to self-care. Being too busy to prioritize yourself and your physical and mental health is what you need to say “no” to. When we don’t take the time to relax, recharge, and nurture our mind, body, and soul, we suffer. Say yes to self-care when you have the time and if you don’t make time. It can be as simple as having a warm bath, going for a long walk, or treating yourself to a DIY spa day.
12. When Someone Asks for Forgiveness
Holding onto grudges only hurts you and keeps you stuck. Saying yes to forgiveness allows you to let go of a burden and move forward with inner peace. You don’t need to forget something happened, but clinging to past hurts keeps you in the past, too.
13. When You’re Offered Something Out of Kindness
Whether it’s someone buying you coffee, giving you a ride, offering their support, or buying you flowers to thank you, say yes to accepting the kindness of others. Random acts of kindness help you feel appreciated and valued and, let’s face it, can make your entire day. It really is the little things that count.
14. When It’s Time to Step Out of Your Routine
Routine is comfortable, but sometimes, you need to shake a few branches to feel alive again. If you feel trapped in a cycle of monotony, you’re probably not feeling the joy. Say yes to committing to changing your day-to-day habits; even little changes can invite new things and people into your life and make life feel more exciting and interesting.
15. When You Get a Chance to Reignite a Passion
It’s our passions that give us our zest for life. And when we put them on the back burner, we can start to feel unhappy and like our lives don’t have any meaning. Say yes to reigniting your passions or starting a new passion project. When you fuel your creative spirit, your entire outlook can change and who knows where your passion may take you. That’s the exciting thing about them.