16 Ways Your Anti-Aging Routine is Giving You More Wrinkles

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1. Not All Skin or Anti-Aging Products Are Created Equal

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It’s important to adopt an anti-aging routine to maintain the health and condition of your skin, fight aging, and create a radiant youthful glow. Not all skin or skincare products are created equal so it’s crucial to understand your skin type and its unique concerns. If you use the wrong products, overdo certain treatments, or lead a toxic lifestyle this can accelerate the formation of fine lines and wrinkles.

2. Skipping Important Steps

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To maintain the health and radiance of your skin and fight signs of aging it’s important to adopt a daily skincare routine. Look to clean skincare products enriched with antioxidants, vitamins, and firming, hydrating, skin-boosting ingredients like vitamin C, niacinamide, hyaluronic acid, peptides, and ceramides. A good daily skincare routine should include a cleanser, a hydrating toner, an anti-aging serum, and a moisturizer. Ideally, use a day moisturizer and a richer night cream to give your skin the nourishment and hydration it needs.

3. Forget Skin Slugging

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Skin slugging is a skincare technique that involves layering heavy, waxy occlusive ointments (like Vaseline and emollient-rich creams) as a final step in your routine at night to create a physical barrier that locks in moisture and prevents water loss. The goal is to wake up with deeply hydrated, dewy, and plump skin. Slugging the skin can restrict its ability to breathe and repair itself overnight, and lead to congestion and breakouts, particularly if you have oily skin. The jury is out on this one.

4. Don’t Over-Exfoliate

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Exfoliation removes dead skin cells, allows skincare products to penetrate more deeply, and reveals a fresh new radiant layer of skin. Stick to exfoliating 1-2 times a week with gentle enzyme liquid exfoliants as overdoing it can strip away natural oils and damage your skin’s barrier. If you use products like harsh physical scrubs or subject your skin to microdermabrasion and chemical peels it can wound the skin, causing an inflammatory response that leads to a breakdown in collagen, loss of elasticity, dehydration, and irritation and even cause micro-tears.

5. Always Use Protection

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Sun exposure is one of the leading causes of premature aging. Skipping sunscreen or not reapplying it throughout the day can leave your skin vulnerable to UV damage which impacts the health and DNA of skin cells, disrupting collagen production and resulting in fine lines and wrinkles. Use a broad-spectrum SPF daily, even on cloudy days.

6 Avoid Harsh Cleansers

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Cleansing your skin is the first and most important step in your beauty routine and many skincare experts advocate for a daily double cleanse, especially at night. Our skin is exposed to dirt, sweat, pollutants, and bacteria and this causes a build-up of debris which can lead to congestion and accelerate breakouts and wrinkles. Use a gentle cleanser as harsh products that contain sulfates or chemicals can strip your skin of its natural oils, causing deydration and disrupting the skin’s natural barrier accelerating wrinkles and aging.

7. Stop Sleeping on Your Side or Stomach

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Sleeping on your side or stomach can cause your face to press against the pillow, creating sleep lines that can develop into permanent wrinkles over time. Try to sleep on your back to minimize pressure on your face. It’s also important to wash your pillowcases at least once a week as they absorb bacteria which can transfer to the skin, causing congestion and breakouts. A silk pillowcase is also more gentle on the skin.

8. Remove Makeup Properly

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Leaving makeup on overnight can clog your pores and prevent your skin from breathing and renewing itself while you sleep which leads to premature wrinkles. Always cleanse your face thoroughly before bed (ideally do a double cleanse) to properly remove makeup, dirt, and pollutants. And get 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night to prevent premature aging.

9. Turn the Temperature Down

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Showering or washing your face with hot water can strip away natural oils and damage your skin’s barrier, leading to dryness and wrinkles. Use lukewarm water instead to gently cleanse your skin without causing damage and ideally finish with a couple of splashes of cold water to invigorate the skin and lock in moisture.

10. Neck and Hand Neglect

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The skin on your neck is finer, more delicate, and more prone to sagging and aged signs. In addition to moisturizer, use an anti-aging neck cream every day to support collagen and elastin production and keep the neck firm and hydrated.

11. Steer Clear of Alcohol and Fragrance Based Products

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Always read skincare product labels to avoid applying toxic chemicals that can damage the health and condition of the skin. Alcohol-based skincare can dry out your skin, leading to irritation and wrinkles, while products containing synthetic fragrances can cause irritation and allergic reactions and trigger the aging process. Choose natural, organic skincare free of fragrance, alcohol, sulfates, and other nasties.

12. Limit Lemon Water

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Not drinking enough water can lead to dehydration, making your skin appear dull and more prone to wrinkles. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water a day to keep your skin hydrated. Many wellness gurus advocate starting your day with a glass of lemon water, but tread carefully as it’s highly acidic which can cause inflammation in the body, upset your gut health, and speed up the development of wrinkles. Lemon water can also damage the enamel of your teeth, turning them yellow.

13. Use the Right Products for Your Skin Type

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It’s important to understand your skin and its unique concerns as using products not suited to your skin type can cause irritation and damage, leading to premature wrinkles. Always choose clean, chemical-free products, and if your skin is dry use ultra-hydrating products. If you have oily or acne-prone skin use lightweight oil-free products. Not all skins can tolerate highly active ingredients like vitamin C and retinol (proven anti-aging ingredients) and these can cause redness, and sensitivity and increase your risk of sun damage and hyperpigmentation. Face oils can give your skin an extra hydration hit but if you have oily or combination skin they can cause congestion and breakouts.

14. You Could Be Lacking Antioxidants

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Antioxidants aren’t just a buzzword they protect your skin from free radical damage, which can accelerate aging. So look to antioxidant-rich skincare products to nourish your skin and fight off premature wrinkles. Incorporate serums or moisturizers infused with vitamins C and E, niacinamide (B3), polyphenols (found in green tea), and resveratrol (found in grapes and berries). Eating an anti-oxidant-rich diet will also improve the health, texture, and appearance of your skin.

15. Over-Applying Makeup

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Heavy matte foundation and makeup can settle into fine lines and wrinkles, making them more noticeable. Over time, this can contribute to congestion, dryness and premature aging. Opt for lightweight, breathable makeup in satin hydrating formulations, and always remove makeup thoroughly at the end of the day.

16. Ignoring Eye Cream

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The skin around your eyes is more delicate and prone to wrinkles so incorporate an anti-aging eye cream into your daily routine and do regular eye masks to protect against damage, crows feet, fine lines, and wrinkles. Rubbing your eyes can cause this skin to stretch leading to the formation of fine lines and even contributing to a droopy brow. Be gentle when applying eye creams or removing makeup around the eye area.

17. Leading a Toxic Lifestyle

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A toxic lifestyle and poor diet can impact the health of your skin and speed up genetic aging. Don’t smoke, drink alcohol in excess, and eat a well-balanced diet rich in antioxidants. “To maintain healthy skin, aid rejuvenation, and have a youthful appearance eat a well-balanced diet, drink plenty of water, get adequate sleep, exercise regularly, and always use sunscreen every day, ” says cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Carole Hazan.

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