Dressing Like This Could Ruin Your Appearance

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When we step out, we want to look and feel great in our outfits, but sometimes, our wardrobe choices can have the opposite effect. Whether it’s following outdated trends, wearing ill-fitting clothes, or just not paying attention to the little details, it’s easy to make mistakes that can ruin your appearance. Here are 15 common style habits that might be sabotaging your look—and how to correct them.

1. Wrong Styles For Your Shape

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Just because something looks great on the mannequin doesn’t mean it will flatter your figure. Though sometimes it’s a truth we don’t want to admit, not everything will look good on our bodies. Understanding your body type and choosing clothes that highlight your best features can make you feel your most confident. Stripes can be one of the trickiest fashion contenders as they can create the illusion you are bigger than you are.

2. Tight or I’ll Fitting Clothes

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Whether it’s clothes that are too tight, too loose, or just plain ill-fitting, wearing the wrong size can make you look frumpy and ruin your entire appearance. Not only are you going to feel vulnerable because your clothes are too tight, but you’ll attract the wrong kind of attention. You’ll know if your clothes don’t fit, and if they don’t, tailor them for a more flattering look.

3. Outdated or Tricky Trends

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Fashion trends come and go faster than ever before. We know that clothes are an investment, but if you’re still wearing trends that died years ago, it’s time for a wardrobe refresh. While it’s okay to have a few vintage pieces, wearing them head-to-toe can make you look like you’re stuck in a time warp. Try to buy timeless pieces that never go out of fashion, so you’re always on trend.

4. Ignoring Tailoring

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Even if you buy off-the-rack, a little tailoring can make a world of difference. Whether it’s hemming your pants, cinching the waistline of a dress, or adjusting the sleeves of a jacket – tailoring is an underappreciated tool that can elevate your outfit from “meh” to “wow.” Don’t skimp out on getting your clothes tailored; your polished appearance will thank you later.

5. Overdoing Accessories

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Accessories are fun and can elevate an outfit, but overdoing it can quickly overwhelm your look and make you appear tacky. Piling on too many necklaces, bracelets, or rings can make you look like a cluttered Christmas tree and take away from the overall elegance of your outfit. When it comes to accessorizing, less is more, and subtlety is key.

6. Busy Prints or Unflattering Colors

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Did you know that colors have the power to totally transform your outfit? It’s important to choose shades that complement your skin tone. Knowing your color palette can help you avoid looking washed out or, worse, tacky. Learning what colors suit you can enhance your natural beauty and take you from being an 8/10 to a 10/10.

7. Not Bringing Your Shoe Game

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Your shoes can make or break your outfit. Though you might think those scuffed, dirty, or worn-out shoes are bohemian, in actuality, you just look sloppy. Take the time to clean and care for your shoes, and make sure they’re appropriate for the occasion. If all of your shoes look worse for wear, it might be time to treat yourself to a new pair.

8. Wearing the Wrong Bra

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Just like scruffy shoes, wearing the wrong bra can ruin your entire look. A bad bra can create spillage, unwanted bumps in your figure, or generally frumpiness in your midsection. You could be wearing the world’s most chic outfit, but if you’re wearing an ill-fitting bra, people’s eyes are inevitably going to be drawn to your bust. Get a proper bra-fitting and invest in a quality bra in order to look your best.

9. Dressing Too Casual

Fashion, tracksuit, barefoot, sneakers comfy, shoes

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When it comes to everyday fashion, comfort is key; however, leaning too far into casual can make you look sloppy. Wearing sweats, oversized t-shirts, or old sneakers too often will make people think that you really don’t care how you look. This doesn’t mean you can’t keep it casual, but when you do, opt for well-fitting, clean clothes that show you’ve put some thought into your outfit.

10. Trying Too Hard To Be Trendy

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Trends are fun and enticing, but wearing clothes that are too trendy can sometimes backfire. Trends change so quickly these days, and what’s in style today might be out tomorrow. Instead of chasing every new trend, focus on building a wardrobe of classic pieces that will stand the test of time and can be easily updated with trendy accessories.

11. Not Following Dress Codes

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Showing up inappropriately dressed is embarrassing and can make you stand out for all the wrong reasons. Whether you’re underdressed for a formal event or overdressed for a casual gathering, not dressing for the occasion can make you feel out of place and uncomfortable. Learning how to understand dress codes is an important skill, and if you can’t tell, always ask to avoid mixups.

12. Neglecting Ironing

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Showing up in wrinkled clothes is a surefire way to look sloppy. You could be wearing the world’s most expensive and stylish outfit, but none of that matters if it’s wrinkled. It sends the message that you’re lazy and don’t care about how you look. Invest in a good steamer or iron, and take a few extra minutes to smooth out those creases before heading out the door.

13. Going Overboard on Logos

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Wearing too many logos or heavily branded items can come across as trying too hard. While a designer piece here or there can add a touch of luxury to your outfit, going overboard makes you look tacky and ruins your whole look. If you like logoed clothing and accessories, try to subtly work in one or two pieces to create a neutral look for balance.

14. Excess Layers

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Layering can add depth and interest to your outfit, but it’s important to get it right. Wearing too many layers can make your figure look bulky, while too few can leave your outfit looking flat and boring. Experiment with different textures, accessories, and outerwear to learn the art of layering better and take your fashion game to the next level.

15. Ignoring Grooming and Hygiene

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No matter how great your outfit is, if you’ve been skipping hygiene and grooming, you’re going to ruin your entire look. Whether it’s dirty hair, chipped nails, or a body odor, all of this can detract from your appearance. Wearing a great outfit is important, but being hygienic and well-groomed is just as important, if not more.

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