Natasha Hand

Natasha Hand Natasha is a seasoned lifestyle journalist and editor based in New York City. In a stellar two-decade career, she has reported on the latest lifestyle news and trends for publications like Grazia, Elle, and InStyle. 

Behaviors You Mistake For Love But Are Actually Unhealthy Attachment

Being happy and healthy in love doesn’t mean everything is always rosy. But having an unhealthy attachment to someone or being obsessed with your partner isn’t love either. When you have an unhealthy attachment style in a relationship, it usually doesn’t end well for both parties.  So check yourself to see if you’re doing any…

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15 Signs You’re More Interesting and Charismatic Than the Average Person

Whether you realize it or not, being interesting and charismatic doesn’t equate to being the loudest or most outgoing person in the room. Those little things you do, how you engage with others, and your unique outlook on life draw people in. If any of these traits sound familiar, you’re more captivating and dynamic than…

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