Why Southerners are So Much More Evolved and Sophisticated Than The Rest of Us

Growing up in the South is a deeply enriching experience shaped by tradition, family, culture, ridiculously good comfort food, and a strong connection to the land. Southern life makes a lasting impression on you and builds a deep sense of resilience,  kindness, and belonging. If you’re from the South or know someone who is, you’ll…

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People Who Try Too Hard To Impress Everyone Usually Have These 16 Insecurities

There’s nothing sadder than someone who consistently goes overboard trying to impress everyone all the time — even people they don’t like or respect. They seem to care way too much about what everyone else thinks of them all the time, and it’s usually because they’re battling these insecurities deep down. 1. “Am I Enough?”…

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People Who Are Highly Intelligent But Have Low Self-Worth Usually Display These 15 Behaviors

Ironically, a high IQ and a strong sense of self-worth don’t always go hand in hand. Even the brightest minds can struggle with feelings of inadequacy and imposter syndrome. You might be whip-smart but if you recognize any of these 15 behaviors, you need to work on your confidence and self-esteem despite your intelligence. You…

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