If You Recognize These 13 Signs, You Probably Grew Up In A Dysfunctional Family

As a kid, you thought the dynamic in your family must have been the same for everyone — how could you have known any differently? However, if you experienced these things as a kid, you grew up in a dysfunctional family without even realizing it. Now that you’re an adult, you can recognize what you…

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Things Introverts Wish You Knew (But Find It Too Awkward To Say)

Introverts aren’t always the easiest people to understand. There’s a lot going on inside our heads, and sometimes, our behavior on the outside doesn’t match up. If you’re wondering why we act a certain way, here are some things we wish we could tell you (but, you know, the whole social interaction thing can be…

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Subtle Signs Someone Is Trying To Undermine You

Dealing with someone who tries to sabotage you by whatever means necessary is frustrating and hurtful. Unfortunately, it can happen in any part of your life—work, relationships, even within your family. It’s important to protect yourself and push back against this kind of behavior. The first step is recognizing the subtle signs—here’s what to look…

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