15 Signs Your Confident Personality Intimidates and Rubs People Up the Wrong Way

Most of us aren’t born with tons of confidence, and the world magically finds a way to tear us down at every opportunity. If you walk through the world brimming with self-assurance and a firm grasp on your worth—lucky you. Unfortunately, not everyone will be happy for you. Your confident, dynamic personality may intimidate more…

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17 Habits Emotionally Secure People Avoid At All Costs

Emotionally secure people didn’t get to that point by magic—they’ve done the hard yards to develop self-awareness. They confronted their shortcomings and honed their empathy and compassion skills. How do they do it? By avoiding these bad habits. 1. They Embrace, Not Neglect Self-Care Emotionally secure people understand self-care’s critical role in maintaining mental and…

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How to Read People: Psychological Tips to Decode What Someone’s Thinking

Have you ever wondered how some people seem to get what’s going on in someone’s head? While no one is a mind reader, understanding basic human behavior and psychological cues can provide surprising insights. Here are 10 straightforward tricks to help you read people better. 1. Ask the FBI Former FBI undercover agent and author…

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